Why Deep Breathing will Transform your Health How is your breath? Can you tell me? Perhaps not. Yet if I asked you about your food and your drink consumption, you would be able to give me at least a broad answer. We can survive without food for up to 3 weeks, without water for about [...]
Category Archives: Lifestyle
Want to Achieve your Health Goals? Use these 5 Tips As the year begins to wind up, it’s a good time to reflect back on our goals from the previous 12 months. Did you achieve what you wanted to? If not, what stood in your way? If you did (great job), what do you want [...]
Create a Positive & Intentional Morning Routine Sometimes it feels like that stubborn fat is not planning to go anywhere anytime soon. It just won't budge no matter how hard you're trying. That was my life for a long time. My goal was to be lean, ideally skinny, but lean was the main aim of [...]
Try out these 7 tips to help you burn fat Sometimes it feels like that stubborn fat is not planning to go anywhere anytime soon. It just won't budge no matter how hard you're trying. That was my life for a long time. My goal was to be lean, ideally skinny, but lean was the [...]
Glute Exercises for improving Back Pain This is the final episode in a 4 part series talking about back pain and ways you can improve on it. In this episode I am going to briefly explain why it is important to know how to engage your glutes correctly to alleviate back pain. In this episode [...]
How to fix a Hunchback Posture This is episode 3 in a 4 part series talking about back pain and ways you can improve on it. In this episode I am going to briefly explain the importance of correcting poor posture when you have back pain. I will guide you through an analogy that will [...]
Using your Abdominal Muscles to fix back pain This is episode 2 in a 4 part series talking about backpain and ways you can improve on it. In this episode I am going to briefly explain why it is important to know how to engage your abdominals correctly so that they protect your back and [...]
Use these 5 stretches to help increase your height Wishing you were a little bit taller and could increase your height by an inch or two? People often ask me how they can get taller so I thought I would make this video! A slouched posture decreases your height Technically, it’s not possible for your [...]
Back Pain Stretches This is episode 1 in a 4 part series talking about back pain and ways you can improve on it. In this episode I am going to show you 4 stretches that you can do to improve your back pain. While stretching can help you to manage your back pain, it is [...]
Travelling? Here are some easy to do 30 min workouts for you “All it takes is 30minutes to give your health and fitness the kick-start it needs. You know the saying 30 minutes a day keeps the doctor away! It also means you can stay active, fit and focused whilst travelling. When staying in a [...]