Goal Setting Tips for Success
- Be prepared – Develop good goal-setting habits through strong preparation
- Remain patient – Focus on the process on achieving your goals rather than the outcome
- Take control – No one is going to work as hard as you on the goals that are important to you and your family
Setting goals allow us to gain control of our lives and where it’s going. They help us focus on and decide what is meaningful to us, while simultaneously motivating us to achieve them. Setting goals organises our dreams and wishes by giving us structure and a pathway to follow so that we may also track our progress and achievements. In doing so, it has the added effect of building our self-confidence and further driving our determination. Be Prepared.
- Why are these goals important?
- When do I want to achieve it?
- What resources do I have to help achieve it?
- What resources do I still need, and how will I get them?
- Who can help me? How can they help me?
- How will I know that my goal has been achieved?
- What are my next steps? And when will I take them?
- Specific – know exactly what you want to achieve. Give a detailed description based on your answers to the questions above.
- Measureable – What will it look like when it is achieved? What proof will you have? How will you measure it?
- Achievable – Weigh up the effort, time, cost of achieving the goal against the benefits of doing so, and the other obligations that you have in your life at the time.
- Realistic – Can it actually be done?
- Time – Can it be achieved in the time frame that you are setting?

As we have discussed above, setbacks are going to happen. By being prepared, remaining patient and taking control, you put yourself in a much stronger position to overcome any challenges and turn your goals into a reality. What you do each day will start to form positive habits for goal achievement. Along the way, make sure that you build in reminders to help keep you on track and review your goals regularly. But most importantly, be sure to build in rewards for your achievements. Celebrate your milestones both minor and major – doing so will continue to drive your motivation and help to live the life that you want.

Integrated Therapy Services
Our dedicated team of qualified professionals provide a number of therapy services including Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology and Psychology. They have worked with clients with a range of needs and embrace Youthrive’s collaborative approach to therapy.
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Website: www.youthrive.com.au